"'Cause I can leave, so what now, what, so where do I go?"




Hello. Sorry, my site is still a bit disheveled. I'm trying to get settled in with a starter code before figuring how to work with html/css myself. I can edit it, but not write it.
I'm not really sure how I plan to order this site, but I've been wanting a place to post my art for a long while that isn't a social media site. Toyhou.se is great, but I want something more decicated to my characters.
If you'd like to reach out to me for the time being, I'm KitchenFloor on toyhou.se. A good amount of my characters are private there, but not all of them. They deal with a lot of sensitve topics and I don't want to upset people, so I keep a lot of them pretty private. On one hand, I don't want people to dislike me... but I DO want people to learn about my characters... Definitely a hard juxtaposition for me, so I just decided to make my own site.

Site updates

UPDATE 9/2/25

I have moved over to Nekoweb for the time being... I may chose to work on this website later, but for now, I'm going over there. I would just delete this site, but I want to be able to come back if I change my mind. My site is C41113 over there too.

UPDATE 8/2/25

Alright. I have a code I found online for free set up, I'm done for now. I may come back later tonight, but today was pretty long and I'm exhausted.